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March 8 - March 14, 2000

—Idaho's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Serving The Sun Valley, Idaho Resort Area Communities—

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Picturesque farm in southern Blaine County
A picturesque south Blaine County farm scene on a recent cold winter afternoon appears at peace with the world. What the camera can’t capture are growing pressures to subdivide agricultural land and the difficult decisions farmers face. (Express photo by David N. Seelig)


  • City hall smoke screen
    Angry bar owners on Monday night chastised the Ketchum City Council’s proposal to draft an ordinance prohibiting smoking from all of the city’s restaurants and bars

  • P&Z dumps "core of core"
    The Ketchum Planning and Zoning Commission scrapped the "core of the core" concept from the city’s proposed comprehensive plan Thursday night

  • Clashing land use values
    Pressures grow to subdivide farmland

  • Silent killer invades SNRA
    Its name is the mountain pine beetle, and it’s attacking the area’s lodgepole pine trees

  • County Democrats choose delegates
    Idaho Democrats took a major step toward selecting a presidential candidate last night during the 44 county nominating caucuses held across the state
  • Lawsuit on chamber funding stays alive
    New plaintiffs bring complications

  • The fox's tale
    Though showing no sign of illness and apparently oblivious to skyrocketing medical costs, a small red fox walked into the Wood River Medical Center in Sun Valley on Sunday evening


  • First domino in commercial sprawl may fall
    The Blaine County Planning and Zoning Commission could blast the barriers to commercial sprawl along state Highway 75 between Ketchum and Hailey tomorrow night

  • Our tax cut
    While the Idaho Legislature’s been stewing about a $40 million tax cut from the state’s "surplus," we’ve been dreaming about how to spend our share


  • Rights versus health : it's a no-brainer
    Since becoming a cold turkey two-pack ex-smoker 17 years ago, I’ve looked beyond the chant so often heard from smokers who rant about how antismoking laws violate their rights. Commentary by Pat Murphy.

  • Commissioners didn't do the math on
    Baseline decision

    A pivotal point on which Blaine County commissioners are basing their Feb. 14 denial of the Baseline Ranch Subdivision is flawed. Commentary by Pepin Corso-Harris.

  • Advice to the candidates : the Internet is no toy
    At the end of last week’s Republican debate, the moderator asked a final question of the candidates. She wanted to know how familiar they were with the Internet, if they used it at all, and if they enjoyed it. Commentary by Adam Tanous.


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local life


The Idaho Mountain Express is distributed free to residents and guests throughout the Sun Valley resort areas. Subscribers to the Idaho Mountain Express will read these stories and more in this weeks' issue:


Man arrested on DUI charge

AAA predicts high gas prices

Land trust pursues south county conservation easement

Two new members appointed to county P&Z


Resort report

News of Record

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