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May 3 - 9, 2000

—Idaho's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Serving The Sun Valley, Idaho Resort Area Communities—

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Tree falls down - goes boom

Wind burst blows down tree

This 60-foot-high pine tree, slammed by a sudden wind, crashed atop four cars Thursday evening in McHanville just south of Dean Tire & Automotive. Two autos were damaged. There were no injuries. “The sky was black for two or three minutes like a mini-tornado was blowing in,” said company owner Brent Anderson.



  • School levy passes
    Blaine County voters narrowly approved a historic $38 million school facilities levy yesterday. The measure—which received almost a 59 percent "yes" vote—required 55 percent voter approval.

  • School improvement plan to voters
    Last night was the moment of truth for the Blaine County School District's plan to levy a $4 million-per-year tax to finance extensive school facilities improvements

  • Six month building freeze extension approved
    Ketchum will retain its emergency regulations on downtown building height and bulk for an additional six months while city planners work with a consultant to draft new design review criteria

  • An American runaway in Spain
    Since the beginning of April, when Adam Brod decided to eschew life in the Wood River Valley, at least temporarily, for romance and adventure in Spain, his days, he says, have been going fairly well

  • Council approves arch to span Big Wood
    After nine months of Ketchum City Council meetings, the panel unanimously voted for an arched wooden bridge to replace the historic Broadway Bridge, which spans the Big Wood River adjacent to the Warm Springs Road bridge

  • On-site, off-site
    Ketchum council asks developer to build affordable units on-site


  • Wolf wars
    Idaho ranchers see their livelihood at stake

  • Local gardener-cooks appear in new book
    Diane Peavey's slow-baked lamb shanks are about to become as well known as the Flat Top Sheep Ranch she and her husband, John, own east of Bellevue


  • Time to change resort cities sales tax law
    Approved in 1978, the law shifted the property tax burden from the shoulders of working residents in Sun Valley and Ketchum to the shoulders of visitors who were driving the demand for services

  • Roll over Averell
    Sun Valley founder Averell Harriman, and a host of other ski luminaries, will roll over in their graves if the name of their favorite resort is purloined by Utah's Snowbasin


  • Half a century and the terror of war cloud a reported massacre
    The caller's question was to the point: Did I know anything about American GIs massacring South Korean civilians in our sector in July, 1950, under a bridge outside No Gun Ri, a month after the war began with North Korea's crossing of the 38th Parallel? Commentary by Pat Murphy


The Idaho Mountain Express is distributed free to residents and guests throughout the Sun Valley resort areas. Subscribers to the Idaho Mountain Express will read these and other stories  in this weeks' issue:

  • Highway 75 pileup: two to hospital, two to jail

  • Arson probe continues

  • Sewage plant budget woes

  • New traffic approach urged

  • Democratic forum scheduled

  • Blaine County cleanup week


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