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April 19 - April 25, 2000

—Idaho's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Serving The Sun Valley, Idaho Resort Area Communities—

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Hemingway in Sun Valley
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Gallery Oscar
Stoecklein Gallery



Sherry Daech Real Estate

The big house

up call

Ketchum Knob Hill home raises zoning questions

“We didn’t think it would skyline like it does,” says Peter Ripsom, Ketchum’s P&Z chief, referring to this 59-foot-high home being built on Walnut Avenue. (Express photo by David N. Seelig)



  • Tainted heritage
    Ketchum's historic Lane Mercantile building's "Eat More Lamb" sign was defaced Monday night/Tuesday morning


arts & entertainment


  • City on track for top hypocrisy honors
    While giving gratuitous speeches about preserving the town's character and crying about downtown buildings being "too big", Ketchum gave the green light to the construction of a 59 foot high home in the Knob Hill neighborhood.

  • Key hearings
    Any resident concerned about sprawl should attend two hearings slated this week and next


  • The First Amendment—it's there for all to use
    In dramatically different episodes, in culturally opposite settings, the First Amendment was put to the test and survived gloriously, if not to everyone's liking. Commentary by Pat Murphy


local life


The Idaho Mountain Express is distributed free to residents and guests throughout the Sun Valley resort areas. Subscribers to the Idaho Mountain Express will read these and other stories  in this weeks' issue.

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