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October 25-31, 2000

—Idaho's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Serving The Sun Valley, Idaho Resort Area Communities—

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Formula Sports


Idaho Conservation League

Save our Salmon

Gallery Oscar



Gary Carr...The Carr Man!

Local Links
Sun Valley Guide
Hemingway in Sun Valley
Real Estate


Art Links
Gallery Oscar
Stoecklein Gallery



Sherry Daech Real Estate

Sun Valley home burns

House sustains an estimated $8 million in damage before the flames are extinguished

Flames streaming from a home on Fairway Road in Sun Valley last Wednesday outshone the surrounding fall foliage. The home sustained an estimated $8 million in damages.
Express photo by Greg Stahl



Arts and Entertainment


  • Prevent tower blight
    While whiz kids of the 21st century's new telecommunications technologies develop new gadgets with lightening speed, communities have been sluggish in dealing with the most visible symbols of those technologies, transmission towers.

  • Speak out on highway
    If any one thing is most responsible for having changed the character, appearance and quality of life in American cities, it's highways.


  • Nothing from nothing leaves nothing
    At the last Ketchum City Council meeting, several people spoke against allowing additional square footage for "community housing" in the Commercial Core. I admit that prior to this meeting I was apathetic. Commentary by Wes Nash

  • Medical center must address problems
    As a United States senator recently said about the Firestone tire scandal, "What does it take to put a company on notice that perhaps they've got a defective product out there?" Commentary by R. Dennis Davis, M.D.


The Idaho Mountain Express is distributed free to residents and guests throughout the Sun Valley resort areas. Subscribers to the Idaho Mountain Express will read these and other stories  in this weeks' issue.


Please send your comments and subscription requests to [email protected].

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