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employment.gif (1144 bytes)FOR THE WEEK OF:
October 4-10, 2000

—Idaho's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Serving The Sun Valley, Idaho Resort Area Communities—

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Idaho Conservation League

Save our Salmon

Gallery Oscar



Gary Carr...The Carr Man!

Local Links
Sun Valley Guide
Hemingway in Sun Valley
Real Estate


Art Links
Gallery Oscar
Stoecklein Gallery



Sherry Daech Real Estate

Toy Run

'Santas' on Harleys roll toward Hailey

Photographed on Saturday several feet off the ground from the perspective of a tree trimmer’s bucket, a long line of Harley riders make their way from Ketchum to Hailey to deposit a mountain of toys earmarked for December holiday distribution. This was the eighth, and most successful, “Toy Run” for Blaine County’s needy children. Express photo by Willy Cook



Arts and Entertainment


  • Tax gas guzzlers
    George W. Bush, the presidential candidate, can be forgiven for making oil prices a political issue. But George W. Bush, the onetime oil man, should be ashamed for trying to mislead Americans about "energy policy."

  • Crash tests needed
    Ketchum is in a delicate condition. It's pregnant with the possibility of delivering handsome buildings into the arms of a lively town.


  • A perspective on the nation's moral conscience
    It's an election year and the guardians of our nation's moral conscience have trotted out their favorite whipping boy, popular culture, for a lofty go-round of political grandstanding. Commentary by Rick Kessler and Steve Bynum

  • What is the right decision and who should make it?
    Jodie and Mary, the cheery sounding and fictional names given to a pair of conjoined twins belie the horrible circumstance of their lives. Their dilemma is as real and grim as life gets. Commentary by Adam Tanous



The Idaho Mountain Express is distributed free to residents and guests throughout the Sun Valley resort areas. Subscribers to the Idaho Mountain Express will read these and other stories  in this weeks' issue:

  • News in Brief

  • A tough review for North Hailey Plaza

  • Remembering the Flying 58th

  • Damage claims relatively small, despite number and size of fires

  • Idaho making slow gains on rural access to doctors

  • Bellevue advised to take control of towers

  • County denies Ohio Gulch gravel mine appeal

  • Government amuck

  • New status makes Hailey eligible for state grants


Please send your comments and subscription requests to [email protected].

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Idaho Mountain Express, Box 1013, Ketchum, ID 83340-1013 - 208.726-8065 Voice 208.726.2329 Fax [email protected] E-Mail

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