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employment.gif (1144 bytes)FOR THE WEEK OF:
Sept. 8 - Sept. 14, 1999

—Idaho's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Serving The Sun Valley, Idaho Resort Area Communities—

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Idaho Conservation League

Save our Salmon

Sun Valley Weddings

Local Links
Sun Valley Guide
Hemingway in Sun Valley
Real Estate



Sherry Daech Real Estate

Dazzling Big Hitch Parade

Dazzling Big Hitch Parade
Approximately 15,000 people lined Ketchum's streets for Saturday's traditional Big Hitch Parade. Here a mighty team of Percherons pull the giant rumbling freight wagons(Express photo by Willy Cook)

  • Don't breach ban on commercial sprawl Hospital expansion could turn Blaine County's comprehensive plan on its ear amid request by hospital officials for a medical building and other facilites

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The Idaho Mountain Express is distributed free to residents and guests throughout the Sun Valley resort areas. Subscribers to the Idaho Mountain Express will read these stories and more in this weeks' issue:

  • Other Stories This Week:

    Sun Valley supports Muffy Davis' training for 2002 Paralympics in Salt Lake City
    Bellevue's new budget earmarks $300,000 to replace aging city hall
    Bellevue fire chief urges equipment update
    Stanley Lake road to be closed for resurfacing
    Recreation District answers some confusing questions about November bond issue
    Wilderness area permits provide tracking data
    Local bark beetles are a healthy part of ecosystem
    Beavers help aquatic corridors thrive
    Petition mounted to keep Wagon Days shootout in Ketchum
    News of Record

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