A sonnet to your bonnet
Express Staff Writer
Hats are hot, hats are practical
and hats are fun. With those attributes it’s hard to imagine leaving the
house without one atop your pate anymore. Yes, even our headgear can go
retro. After all, once upon a time hats were de rigueur and neither man
nor woman would venture outside without one.
Miranda BeVier, left, and Criss
Fallowfield don Easter bonnets, from Déjà vu in Ketchum. Express
photo by Dana DuGan
But free flowing hair, an
outdoorsy life style and a more permissive attitude vanquished the
mighty millinery industry. Once worn by men to show deference, and women
to convey emotion of various sorts (racy, coquettish, strong),
decorative hats are back in style.
Since Easter is one of those
delightful excuses to wear a chapeau, it’s time to open the closets and
shake the dust off the old bonnets. And there’s something for everyone,
from the very young to teens and adults.
When many of us think of Easter
bonnets (with all the frills upon it), we naturally conjure up the 1948
movie "The Easter Parade." In this classic song and dance flick—also
starring a tap dancing maniac Ann Miller—Judy Garland prances up Fifth
Avenue making silly faces, while Fred Astaire follows behind her
flummoxed as to why she is getting so much attention.
That parade has always been a
wonderful springtime celebration of strolling in Easter finery. Outfits
these days range from elegant to outrageous. Participants wear ensembles
that are accented with everything from flowers, fruit and live animals
to Civil War period costumes and the most au currant high fashions.
As they meander along, women in
adorned hats render them a garden in motion.
A fetching Charlotte Currie
models a teen friendly hat in her mother’s store, Room+Board.
Here in the Wood River Valley, we
are more accustomed to the baseball cap, the knit skull cap, ski hat or
Stetson. But fear not traditionalists and wacky head gear maniacs. There
is hope.
There are of course, some rules of
thumb to consider.
There is an old rule of no hats at
dinner, but this applies only to men. Hats are appropriate when dining
out, since women’s hats are considered accessories and therefore not
expected to be removed.
For those extra sunny days,
exposure to the sun can cause an increase in skin cancer and cataracts.
Large brimmed hats protect your face and eyes.
Hats are good for hiding under,
but bonnets will make you stand out these days. A women needing to make
her mark will find wearing one of these confections makes her more
Even those who fear they cannot
wear hats—their hair is too short, their face too round, their head too
small—should try again. There are many styles to choose from these days,
from cloche, pillbox and beret to the skimmer, toque and tam
Be careful of wind.
As for colors, sweet pastels suit
Easter, but general spring styles call for a range of colors such as
pink, fuchsia, strawberry, various shades of yellow, stripes, polka dots
and greens that come in every variation from soft mint to Kelly green.
Easter parades and Easter bonnets
need not be relegated to New York. Imagine ladies, their consorts and
families moving as one from each of the churches, adorned in their
finest, and meeting at Memory Park in Ketchum. Looking like a moving