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For the week of October 22 - 28, 2003


Ultimate Masters
head to nationals

Local team top of the Northwest

The Big Sky Masters will be traveling to Sarasota, Fla. over Halloween weekend for the Ultimate Players Association National Championship.

The all-men’s Frisbee team looks to better its impressive debut performance of a year ago when they finished third in the Masters division.

Ultimate Frisbee is a taxing sport and these guys, aged 33 and older, are the best, fittest players in the region.

Big Sky Masters is a Ketchum-based team. All 24 players are current residents of Sun Valley or have lived and played here in the past.

Kavu sponsors the team.

To get to nationals, the team turned in yet another stellar performance at the regional tournament held in Corvallis, Ore., winning the Masters division.

At that event, Team Big Sky rose to the top of a vast field offering the best ultimate players from northern California, Oregon, Washington, Western Canada and Idaho.

Two teams are picked from the regional tournament for nationals. Team Big Sky will be joined by Team KWA of Seattle, last year’s national champions.



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