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For the week of October 8 - 14, 2003


Marshal arrests
Carey man following
Bellevue shooting

Express Staff Writer

A Carey man was taken into police custody last weekend after allegedly firing shots from a 9 millimeter handgun at a Hailey resident behind the Silver Dollar Saloon in Bellevue.

David A. Cardwell, 26, was charged with aggravated assault with a weapon after allegedly firing a shot or shots at Steven W. Clark, 34, during an altercation that occurred early in the morning on Saturday, Oct. 4, said Bellevue Marshal Randy Tremble.

Neither man was injured in the incident, which occurred about 1 a.m.

"We don’t know exactly what it was all around," Tremble said. "We’re not sure if it was one or two shots."

Tremble said at least one round was fired from inside the vehicle, and at least one shot broke the glass of the passenger-side window of Clark’s car.

Cardwell was arrested later on Saturday evening after reports were taken from Clark, Tremble said.

The event is still under investigation, he added.

"If there was a confrontation, what was it about? It’s still pretty confusing," he said.

Additionally, Tremble was clear that the new owner of the Silver Dollar Saloon is running a tighter ship than in years past.

"He’s been running a great bar for eight months. We don’t have anywhere near the number of incidents we used to have out there," Tremble said. "It’s not a shooting gallery back there, and he doesn’t cater to that at all."

Cardwell was being held Monday in the Blaine County Jail awaiting his next court appearance.



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