on September 11, 2002

Public Notice
the full text of all public notices in the Idaho Mountain Express, the
paid newspaper, available from vending machines or by subscription. Call
Notice of Trustee's Sale Dec. 26, at 10:00 a.m. at Blaine County Title, Inc. in Ketchum. of Lot 2, Block 1 of Smiley Creek Subdivision No. 1.
Notice of Trustee's Sale Dec. 3, at 10:00 a.m., in the office of AmeriTitle in Ketchum of property described as 306 East Gulch Rd. in Indian Creek Subdivision.
Notice of Public Auction Sept. 23, at 4:30 p.m. in the Blaine County Commissioners' meeting room regarding a structure located at 219 S. 1st Ave., Hailey.
City of Ketchum Ordinance 906, Annual Appropriations Ordinance.
Request of change of name by Susan Elizabeth Jarrett.
City of Sun Valley Resolution No. 2002-04 proclaiming a Special Municipal Election to be held Tues., Nov. 5.
Request for Proposals by Blaine County for the construction of a new court house annex in Hailey.
City of Sun Valley Resolution 2002-005 authorizing employment positions within the city effective Oct. 1.
City of Sun valley Notice of Public Hearing in City Hall Sept. 19, at 4:00 p.m. to consider an amendment to the 2002-2002 fiscal year budget.