Students send hopes
with prayer flags
peace and good things to people
who lost family and friends."
Express Staff Writer
Flags can
blow prayers out to the universe.
This is the
theory behind The Community School’s prayer flags.
and Reed Roudabush hold up the Community School’s prayer flags. Express
photos by Willy Cook
The entire
elementary student body of the school in Sun Valley made the flags to
commemorate the losses suffered in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the
East Coast.
There are
103 students in the elementary school. Each flag has a picture, a prayer
or an expression of hope that each child created. The prayer flags have
been strung together and will either be hung in front of the elementary
school or in the playground. "Somewhere the kids can see it,"
said Leslie Maksik, director of the Elementary School.
Many of the
flags bore pictures of the World Trade Center towers in New York, others
had pictures of the planet Earth, or of families holding hands.
grader Harry Dreyfuss wrote on his, "I wish I could say a prayer but
I don’t know what to say. I just know I’m sad."
Reed Roudabush’ flag had a picture of a monster. Another said
"World peace and good things to people who lost family and
friends." And one simply said "I hope we all get along."