The next great
Commentary by ADAM
During the
agricultural and industrial eras, the control of the respective resources
determined the balance of wealth and power in the world. Landowners ruled
the day in the former and the manufacturers dominated the latter. To the
extent those resources were fluid and changed hands easily determined the
degree to which different elements of our population attained
socio-economic equality.
There is
every reason to believe that the same situation applies with regards to
the control of information and knowledge. This time around, however, the
stakes are quite a bit higher. Certainly money and power are in play. More
significantly, lives are in the balance, as is something nearly as
important: democracy.
The battle
over information and the control of it is occurring because of dramatic
advances in technology. They are advances that have happened so quickly
and unfettered that the public and its government haven’t figured out
how to deal with the future consequences. In the arenas of science and
free speech, the issue is pressing
property laws have served us well up until now. Patents, which generally
guarantee the owner of one 17 years of exclusive rights to a novel idea
("design" patents are good for 14 years), provide an economic
incentive for innovation. And, in theory, everyone benefits from
innovation, sooner or later.
Later is
all well and good when we are talking about mouse traps and widgets or
drugs for hair loss, but what about drugs for AIDS, or some future vaccine
for AIDS, or a drug to fight anti-biotic-resistant tuberculosis? Should
Eli Lilly or whoever controls the patents for AIDS drugs be allowed a
patent lasting 17 years, be able to set the price of them, and therefore
determine who lives and dies? Should a corporation be able to hold a
monopoly on that knowledge for all those years when the cost of honoring
those patents is registered in lives?
Sen. Daniel
Patrick Moynihan pointed out at the recent Sun Valley Writers’
Conference that, during the 20th century, markets proved
themselves to be far more effective than central planning. And I think he
was right when it comes to basic goods. But markets do not accommodate
ethical considerations. Even if they did, patent law puts a 17-year hiccup
in the free market system. At what point do we, as a society, sidestep the
economic incentive argument and inject our ethics into the equation? It’s
true that drug companies have invested billions of dollars in solutions to
health care problems. But the world has changed; millions of people will
die sooner than they should without access to certain drugs at an
affordable cost.
Stem cell
research provides another example. The Wisconsin Alumni Research Fund
holds the only American patent to the human embryonic stem cell. Should
they have a monopoly on the potential keys to life or death? I don’t
think so.
President Bush, in setting his stem cell policy, put a choke hold on the
free flow of knowledge. He set an arbitrary date of Aug. 9, after which no
additional stem cell lines may be created from surplus embryos and still
qualify for federal funds. The stem cell lines he tapped with his magic
wand exist in 10 labs worldwide, only two of which are in the U.S. Any
scientist will tell you that the great problems in science are solved when
there are a wide range of minds working on them. The structures of
scientific knowledge are generally built brick by brick, each brick being
placed by a different scientist. President Bush—perhaps unknowingly—has
charged just a handful of scientists with building what amounts to a
gargantuan structure.
It seems
clear that public policy and the very notion of intellectual property, at
least as far as medical knowledge is concerned, needs to be revised. I’m
not sure that doing away with medical patents is the solution, but the
issue needs to be discussed. Perhaps the duration of patents should be
shortened, or perhaps there should be special dispensations when it comes
to medical crises. Perhaps there are more creative solutions out there.
Ultimately, I think, we are going to have to choose between the speed of
innovation and progress and the democratic nature of our innovations. We
have to answer the question: who gets access to our great knowledge and at
what price?
unfettered flow of knowledge and information is nearly as critical in the
workings of democracy. Up until now, free speech has been the great
leveling force of our democracy. The advent of computer technology,
communications systems and the Internet has been, in general, a boon to
our system of government. Free speech has exploded on the Internet. The
world wide web has provided a relatively inexpensive and accessible forum
for the free flow of ideas. Some of it may seem horrific and distasteful,
but that’s the nature of the beast. That the Internet has no editor, or
rather that it has hundreds of millions of editors, is its greatest
there are serious questions about communications and the control of it.
While there is technology that allows wireless communications and other
such wonders, that same technology allows the government or Microsoft or
whatever organization controlling a given system to easily monitor,
control or censor communication.
The irony
of electronic communication, say e-mail or cell phone technology, is that
it seems more secure than traditional forms of communications. It isn’t,
of course. Computer systems are always built with redundancies imbedded in
them. And any system with redundancies will be less secure than those
without them.
companies routinely monitor their employees’ e-mails and forays on the
Internet. This may seem like paranoia, but what if you knew someone was
always listening to your conversations, or your conversations were being
recorded in some electronic form or another? What if your medical records
were floating around the electronic ether for insurance companies or
employers to freely mull over? Would it affect your sense of free speech?
I think so. Free speech is implicitly tied to a sense of privacy.
The dilemma
we face is that, like the knowledge base in science, communications
services—television, Internet, cable, phone, satellite and cellular—have
become consolidated and interconnected. The assets of our time—knowledge
and information—flow through the hands of relatively few organizations.
And that makes the flow subject to disruptions, diversions and polluting