Calendar for
March 14 thru 20, 2001
Wednesday, March 14
Hailey Book Fair at Hailey Elementary, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Engl Cup Day annual Community School outdoor activity.
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center noon meal, 721
Third Ave. S., Hailey, 788-3468. Glee Club 11 a.m.
The Parents Club, Dealing with Uncomfortable Emotions,
$5, St. Luke’s WRMC Baldy Room 14m 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Community School Golf first competition of the spring
at Glenns Ferry, 2 p.m.
Mr. Wood River ninth annual fund-raising for Wood
River High School baseball team. 7 p.m. $5 WRHS auditorium, Hailey.
Thursday, March 15
Children’s dentistry talk with Dr. Buck Drew,
12:15-1:15 p.m. St. Luke’s WRMC Baldy conference room, Ketchum.
Outdoor Idaho Salmon River Festival 2001 on
Idaho public TV looks at the history, legacy, people and environment of
the river. 8:30-9:30 p.m.Channel 10.
Young Mom’s Get-Together Support Group with
certified parent educator Denise deLisser, 6:30-8 p.m. in the St. Luke’s
WRMC Center for Community Health (formerly Women’s Resource Center),
Hailey. 788-5733.
Running Alaka’s Wild Rivers with Travis Scott. ERC’s
Armchair Adventure Slide Show. 7:30 p.m. Bigwood Bread, Northwood Way,
Raising Resilient Children, Lecture and book by Dr.
Robert Brooks of the Harvard Medical School. Free. 7 p.m. Wood River High
School, Hailey.
Friday, March 16
No School Today for Blaine County School District
students due to staff development sessions.
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center noon meal, corned
beef with cabbage, carrots. St. Patrick’s Day entertainment by The
Boulder Brothers. Transportation available. At the Senior Center, 721
Third Ave. S., Hailey, 788-3468.
Creating a Positive School Climate for all Students,
lecture by Dr. Robert Brooks. Wood River High School in-service, 9-11:45
St. Patrick’s Dinner St. Charles Hall, Hailey, 5-9
p.m. beef, cabbage, clam chowder, hot dogs. Bingo, kid games, and the
Boulder Brothers will play. $7 person or $15 family. Proceeds go to
scholarship fund. Details: 788-9797
Jamie Prichard Benefit 7 p.m. Hailey Hotel. Music by
The Bobos. Cover $15 to help cover Jamie’s medical and surgical bills.
Raffle prizes. Special donations can be made at the Bank of America to the
Jamie Prichard account. Details: 788-5794.
Shamrock Shootout Hockey Tournament Fifth annual women’s
tournament features 12-teams, including the Sun Valley Fury and Sunsets.
Games run from 6-11 p.m. at the Sun Valley Rink. Free admisssion.
Osteoporosis and Hormone Balancing with Dr. Stephan
Siele at the Ascension Holistic Center, 5:30 p.m. 180 W. 1 St. Suite 306.
Details: 622-9400.
Saturday, March 17
St. Patrick’s Day is today. Parades and hijinks,
quiet men turning rowdy. Smart women hide.
Big Air Sol Fest Party through Sunday, on Baldy,
Roundhouse and at River Run Lodge. Sponsored in part by Freeze
Magazine and the Sun Valley/Ketchum Chamber of Commerce.
Garden Workshops Shade & Shrubbery workshop.
Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Details: 726-9358.
St. Patrick’s Day Benefit Celebration to raise money
for Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault,
starting 11 a.m. at The Cellar Pub, 400 Sun Valley Rd. in Ketchum.
Food and drink specials, giveaway door prizes throughout the evening.
WRHS Softball SCIC league games for the Wolverine
varsity and JV, 11 a.m. at Filer.
Twin Falls Spring Antique Show today and tomorrow,
opens at 9 a.m.Twin Falls County Fairground. Details: 532-4439.
2001 Gourmet Ski Tour Nordic and Backcountry Skiers
Alliance, on the North Valley Trails System, 11:30 a.m. Tasty treats
served up by great chefs. Cost $55 per person with North Valley Trails
pass, or $65 if you don’t. Tickets: Backwoods Mountain Sports in
Ketchum, or call Jenny Busdon 726-1649.
Shamrock Shootout Hockey Tournament Fifth annual women’s
tournament features 12-teams, including the Sun Valley Fury and Sunsets.
Games run from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Sun Valley Rink. Free admission.
New Diamond Sun Race Super G, Cash prizes, to benefit
for the Sun Valley Ski Clubs alpine racing program. Free Calcutta Party at
Wax room, 7-9 p.m. Register for races 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Warm Springs or
at the Wax Room. Race tomorrow. Awards party and pay-off at Apples
following thre race.
Printmaking Workshop with Melanie Falles from Boise
Arts Museum. Students: Age 7-12 . Details; 726-9491.
Sunday, March 18
Sutton & Sons Men’s Basketball League Tournament
championships games of the Upper and Lower Divisions at 12 noon (Upper)
and 1:30 p.m. (Lower) at Wood River Middle School gym, Hailey.
Shamrock Shootout Hockey Tournament Championship round
play runs from 6 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. at the Sun Valley Rink. Free admission.
New Diamond Sun Race Super G, Cash prizes, benefit for
the Sun Valley Ski Clubs alpine racing program. Awards party and pay-off
at Apples following the race.
Reflections of the Prodigal Son from 6-8 p.m.
today and 7-9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, March 19-20 at St. Charles Hall,
Hailey. With Father Joe Kehoe, OSB Ascension Monastery. Details: 788-3024.
Senior "B" Hockey League games at Sun Valley
Skating Center. At 4 p.m., Hawks vs. Ducks. 5:15 p.m., Avalanche vs.
Predators. 6:30 p.m., Coyotes vs. Bad Dogs. 7:45 p.m., Red Wings vs.
Devils. 9 p.m., Wild vs. Stars. This week’s bye goes to the Sharks.
Monday, March 19
The Advocates Sexual Assault Training overview and
history of rape and rape advocacy, 6-9 p.m. Details; 788-4191. All
trainings at the Advocates office, Hailey.
Senior Hockey League Gund Cup semi-final playoff games
at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at Sun Valley Skating Center.
Tuesday, March 20
First Day of Spring or the Vernal Equinox.
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center Exercise: 9 a.m.,
noon meal, chicken chow mein, with green salad. 721 Third Ave. S., Hailey,
788-3468. Vision support group at 1 p.m.
Community School Golf meet at Gooding, 2 p.m.
‘Mommy and Me’ Group Skating Lessons Sun Valley
Skating Center Tue. and Thu. from 11-11:50 a.m. starting today, for four
weeks. $15 per class if pre-registered. Details: 622-2194.
WRHS Baseball, Softball junior varsity doubleheaders
at Glenns Ferry, 3 p.m.
WRHS Tennis first matches of the spring season,
varsity and JV at Twin Falls, 3:30 p.m.
Sun Valley Junior Hockey Association Awards Banquet
5:30 p.m. in the Limelight Room of Sun Valley Inn. Dinner 6 p.m. and
awards 6:30 p.m.
Beginning Clay Classes from March 20- May 8 and March
22-May 10, at Boulder Mtn. Clayworks. Details: 726-4484.
Blaine County P&Z Citizen’s Advisory Board
(CAB) 10 a.m. Ketchum City Hall. Wed., March 14.
Blaine County Housing Authority, re: 1 yr. leave from
owner of Comm. Housing at The Fields, Ketchum City Hall. 5:15-5:30
p.m. Thu., March 15.
Ketchum Housing Commission and Blaine County Housing
Authority, joint meeting, proposed changes on "Priority for
bidding," 5:30 p.m. Ketchum City Hall. Thu., March 15.
Hailey Business After Hours Hailey Chamber of Commerce
social activity, 5-7 p.m. at High Desert Sports, River & Carbonate,
Hailey. Hosted by High Desert Sports and SV Phone Directory. Thu.,
March 15.
Idaho Fish and Game Commission meets today through in
Boise, with a public hearing set for tonight at 7 p.m. at the F&G
headquarters. Fri., March 16
Blaine County Commissioners 1:30 p.m. Material Change
Ordinance, State’s Plans and Needs, Mon., March 19.
Ketchum City Council 6 p.m. Public hearing re:
Ordinance 858, Comments from public, presentations, proposed policy re:
"number of vehicles on city streets no greater in 2021…", 7
p.m., Mayor, Council and staff comments, P&Z business. 7:10 p.m.,
Ordinance 863, Scott Brashears, A-! Taxi, Sun Valley Chauffer to operate
limos, Consent calender, bills, minutes, liscenses, tax permits, Mon.
March 19.
Hailey P&Z 6:30 p.m. Tue., March 20.
Blaine County P&Z Storage Facility Application,
Sabel application, 6:30 p.m. Old County Courthouse, Thu., March 22.
Once Upon a Storytime at Hailey Public Library.
11-11:45 a.m. Video, crafts for 3-5 year olds.
Women’s Lives, the Movies, and the Pulitzer Prize, Community
Library’s winter Book Club meets every third Wednesday through
March. 7 p.m. in the library lecture room.
Breast Feeding Support Group weekly at St. Luke’s
Wood River Medical Center in Sun Valley, Baldy Room #3. 12 noon. Details:
Exploring the Self at The Oak Tree, Bellevue. Group
discussion of psychic ability and experiences, body perception, mediation,
etc. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Details: 578-0303
Youth Council at Hailey Elementary School grades 3-5.
From 3-4:15 p.m. in Room B, Chapter One.
Adult Open Basketball from 6-9 p.m. at Hemingway
Elementary School in Ketchum, through May 2. Sponsored by the Blaine
County Recreation District. Cost $2 per person per session.
Bipolar Support Group facilitated by Diane Crist,
M.A., meets at 220 River St. E. in Ketchum.
Hike with Shelter Dogs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Meet at
Tully’s in Ketchum.
Conversations with God study group, meets from 7 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. Call 725-5575.
Young People’s Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
6:30-7:30 p.m.. WRMC Women’s Resource Center, Hailey. Free.
Women’s Entrepreneurial Group, 6 p.m. potluck. First
Wed. of the month. Details: Wendy Isen. 622-8864.
Dance Classes at the Grange in Hailey. 8 p.m. $3,
Details: 788-1967.
Folk Dance Classes, Learn Greek, Israeli, Turkish,
Armenian dances. Free. Sun Valley Athletic Club, 7:15 - 8:30 p.m. Ketchum,
Details: 725-5522.
Storytime with Grandma Dorothy at the Hailey Public
Library, 3:30-4:15 p.m. stories, video and crafts for 3-5 year olds.
Men’s Bible Study from 7-8 a.m. at Wilson Bates
Appliances in Ketchum. Details: 788-2084.
Intermediate Fly Tying classes 7 p.m. Silver Creek
Outfitters, through March 22. Basic skill required. Details: 726-5282.
Backwoods Avalanche Beacon Clinics, 3 p.m. next to the
new Smith Building in Northwood Way, Ketchum 726-8818.
Vegetarian and Healthy Cooking Club at the Oak Tree,
Bellevue. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Details: 578-0303
Women’s Support Group for relationship and addiction
issues 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Details: 788-4191.
The Parent Organization meets the first Thursday of
each month, in the Middle School Library. 7 p.m.
Anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive Overeaters meet at 12
noon at the Sun Club, Ketchum. Details: 726-3165.
Adult Coed Indoor Soccer sponsored by the Blaine
County Recreation District, 6-8 p.m. (beginners 8-10 p.m.) Hailey
Elementary School. Cost $2 per time. From Jan. 5-March 30.
Mom’s Night Out Child care at the Oak Tree in
Bellevue. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Details: 578-0303
Romancing the Bean coffee house for high school
students grades 9-12. Open 4 p.m.-12 a.m. Fridays. 719 S. 3rd
St., Hailey.
Stitch Group at Isabel’s Needlepoint knitting
and needlepoint, $5, 1-4 p.m., The Galleria, Ketchum.
Ketchum Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational
discussion group meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at the Ketchum Information
Center meeting room. Call Pastor David Rubinstein 788-6133.
Wood River Youth Orchestra Wood River Middle School,
Hailey. Use back door. 3:45-5 p.m. Details: 726-4870.
High Touch Jin Shin Acupressure at the Oak Trree in
Bellevue. 3-6 p.m. Details: 578-0303
Adult Open Basketball from 6-9 p.m. at Hailey
Elementary School, through April 29. Blaine County Rec. District. Cost $2
NAMI Family to Family, free education and support for
families with relatives who have mental illness. Light on the Mountain
Church in Elkhorn’s old pro shop. Every Sunday for 10 weeks thereafter.
1-3:30 p.m. Details: Nancy 788-4347, Tewa 788-0821.
Group Meditation downstairs at St. Thomas Episcopal
Church, Sun Valley Rd. Ketchum. 6:30 p.m. Call 788-9798.
Alanon Meeting 8:30 a.m. Anorexia, Bulimia and
Compulsive Overeaters 12 noon, at the Sun Club, Ketchum. Details:
Youth Council at Wood River High School 3:30-5 p.m. in
Mr. Payne’s room in science wing. Info: Lea Flocchini at 788-2880 or
Julie Caldwell at 725-2071.
Adult Open Volleyball 7-10 p.m. at Wood River Middle
School gym in Hailey, through March 26. Blaine County Rec. District. Cost
$2 per person per session.
Awareness Training at the Bald Mountian Meditation
Center. Five sessions. 5:30 p.m. Details: Tom Prtitcher 726-3770.
Speaker’s Forum at the ERC, Ketchum, 12 noon. Every
other Monday. Details: Ann Christensen at 726-3668.
Group Meditation downstairs atOak Tree, Bellevue. 6:30
p.m. Details: 788-9798.
Free Tax Counseling for the Elderly offered by the
state of Idaho and sponsored by AARP and the IRS. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center, (788-3468) Hailey. Bring the proper
forms and last year’s tax return.
Children’s Story Hours at the Ketchum Community
Library with Ann Christensen from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Stitch Group at Isabel’s Needlepoint knitting
and needlepoint, $5, 5-7 p.m. The Galleria, Ketchum.
Weight Watchers meets at 5:30 p.m. at the Blaine
County Senior Center in Hailey. New members welcome at 6 p.m.
Details: 788-1380.
Beginning/Intermediate Fly Tying Classes weekly at 7
p.m. at Silver Creek Outfitters in Ketchum, through March 20. Fee. Call
726-5282 to sign up.
Committee for Access to Public Lands meets every third
Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Power Engineers in Hailey. The public invited.
Details, Lloyd Moore 788-3148 or Jeff Beckley 788-2828.
Children First Parent Advocacy Group for children with
special needs. Every second Tuesday at 7 p.m. Women’s Resource
Center, Hailey. Details: Reggie Swindle 788-3034 or Gwen Smith 726-8016.
Life Drawing Group at the Oak Tree, Bellevue, meets to
draw from live nude model. $10, bring own materials. Details: 578-0303
Domestic Violence Women’s Group, sponsored by
Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence, with Kathleen Battersby.
Call 788-4191 or 788-6070 for directions. Free. 6 p.m.
Advocates Children’s Group for kids 0-12 who have
witnessed domestic violence. 6 p.m. New location. 788-4191 or 788-6070 for
National Alliance for Mentally Ill (NAMI) support
group for survivors, friends and family. Wood River Middle School faculty
lounge. 7 p.m. Tewa 788-0821 or 788-4335 for information.
University of Idaho hosts Music and Fine Arts Camps, June
24-20. Music, dance, theater, and visual arts. Details: Cynthia Leonhart
208-885-6237 or email [email protected]
Call for Artists, open to artists in Northwest,
Carnegie Art Center Annual Juried Art Show, May 6- June 8. Accepting
entries April 23-28. Details: 509-525-4270.
Poetry Contest International Library of Poetry,
deadline is April 30. Submit any style, and subject - 20 lines or less.
One original poem to
Flu Shots are available now. Local health experts
recommend flu shots until March. Call 788-4335.
Foster Parent Training through Health & Welfare,
Feb. 28, March 7, 14, 21. 5:30- 930 p.m. Details: 208-324-8862.
Alpine Photography by Edith Pendl at Pro-Photo through
March 31. 622-3914.
Ketchum/Sun Valley Heritage Museum is open with new
and improved permenant exhibitions. 726-8118.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church schedule: Sat. services 5
p.m.; Sun. Eucharist 8 a.m., Choral Eucharist 9:30 a.m.; Tue. Choir
rehearsal 6 p.m.; Thu. Rector’s Bible Study at noon. 726-5349.
Religious poems contest dealine is April 7. Send 21
lines or less to Free Poetry Contest,
Yoga at the Oak Tree, Bellevue. Monday through Friday,
7-8 a.m. Donations. Details: 578-0303.
Indoor Playground Church of the Bigwood, Ketchum. Mon.
- Thu., 9 a.m. - 12 noon, and 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Children must be
accompanied by adult. 726-5123.
Snowshoe with a Forest Service Ranger every Tuesday
and Thursday at 1:00 p.m., Galena Ski shop. 727-5013.
Youth Indoor Soccer for 3rd-7th-grades from 6 p.m. at
Hailey Elementary School. No fee. Blaine County Recreation District.
Wednesdays and Mondays.
Children’s Story Hour at Ketchum’s Community
Library. 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays with Ann Christensen and Saturdays
with guest readers.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church Sunday services 8 a.m. and
10 a.m. Sunday School. Wed. Bible Study 11 a.m. Healing Service and
Eucharist 12:15 p.m. Rev. Jennifer Anttonen. 788-3547. Hailey.
The Study Place for grades K-12. Mon. - Thu. 3-5 p.m.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Hailey. Free. Details: 788-3547.
Free child wellness clinic St. Charles Church in
Hailey. Includes vision, hearing and developmental examinations for
children up to five years old. Call 788-4335.
Story Hours at Hailey Public Library at 11 a.m.
Wed. and 3:30 p.m. Thu. For details, call 788-2036.
Wood River Bridge on Mon. 6:45 p.m. at Blaine
County Senior Center, Hailey. On Wed. at 6:45 p.m. and Thu. at
2:45 p.m. at The Harker Center, Elkhorn at Sun Valley. Team game at the
Harker Center on the first Sun. each month at 12:45 p.m. Visitors
are welcome.
A. A. Self-Help Meetings Alanon, Cocaine,
Co-dependents, Cross-Addiction, Narcotics, Overeaters and Sexaholics in
Ketchum, Hailey and Bellevue. Details: Sun Club, 726-7710. Daily.
24-hr. phone: 726-4650.
Super-Supper Dining Room. Free dinners by Wood River
Valley religious organizations. St. Charles Church Parish Hall. To help
out call Margie Hill at 788-9363. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Thursdays and
Blaine County Senior Center 721 3rd Ave. S. Hailey,
exercise classes, card and indoor walking clubs, weekly blood pressure
tests and noon meals on Tue., Wed. and Fri. 788-3468.
Jiu Jitsu classes at the Gateway in Hailey. Fri.
6:30 p.m., Sat. and Sun. 11:30 a.m., Details: Tony 788-2219.
CSI classes at Blaine County Center, Hailey: Details:
‘Discipline is Teaching & Dealing with Emotions,
Theirs and Yours’ March 21 discussion with Julie Caldwell, Big Wood
Preschool, 100 Saddle Rd. Ketchum, 6-8 p.m. Details: 726-9053.
Community Library Winter Book Club, March 21 The
Hours, by Michael Cunningham, 7 p.m. Ketchum.
Hailey Public Library adult book group March 22, Woman
Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston.
Hailey Chamber of Commerce Installation Dinner, March 22 social
hour 6:30 p.m. and dinner 7:30 p.m. at Taste of Thai, Main St. in Hailey.
Raffles and more.
Gund Cup Senior Hockey League Championship Game, March 22 at
7 p.m., Sun Valley Skating Center.
Sun Valley Suns, March 23 men’s ice hockey game
against the Scranton (Pa.) Alumni at 7 p.m., Sun Valley Skating Center.
First of a two-game series. Refreshments.
Raffle Benefit for Marina, March 24, the
drawing will be at the Wood River Gun Club south of Bellevue, 11 a.m.
Details: 788-1034.
2nd Annual Paragliding Fly-In Event and Dave Bridges
Mountain Race, March 22-24, March 22: registration,
March 23: Kick off Party at Bigwood Bread, March 24: Running race to top
of Baldy, and Fly-off. Kick off party, and awards ceremony open to public.
Details: 726-3332
24th Annual Hobson Memorial Ski Race, March 25, on
Warm Springs side of Baldy, over 200 kids from 7-18 years old race for
perpetual trophies. Sponsored by Sun Valley Company. Race: 10:30 a.m.,
picnic 11:30 a.m. Volunteers and more details call Chelle: 726-7476
Sun Valley Suns, March 24 men’s ice hockey game
against the Scranton (Pa.) Alumni at 7 p.m., Sun Valley Skating Center.
WRHS Junior Prom, March 24 in the Limelight Room of
Sun Valley Inn. All Wood River High students welcome, cost $12 singles,
$21 couples.
National Library Week at Hailey Public Library, March
24 children’s play, March 29 Family story hour 6:30 p.m.,
Fire in Water/Water in Fire Meditation, March 24-25,
3-6 p.m. $60 Gateway in Hailey. Details: 726-3770.
25th Annual Idaho Vintage Motorcycle and Bicycle Show,
March 25, in Caldwell. 12 noon - 4 p.m. $4 Details: 377-4981.
Boise Flower Show, March 29-April 1 at Boise Centre on
the Grove.
Hobson Memorial Alpine Ski Race, March 25, 24th annual
race and picnic for Sun Valley and Hailey ski teams. Check-in 9-10 a.m.,
Greyhawk parking lot. Racing 10:30 a.m. Register by March 22.
Bill Janss Pro-Am Classic, March 29-31 fourth annual
fund-raising event for the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation, at the Sun
Valley resort. Twenty six-racer teams competing in dual giant slalom, plus
social activities. Handicapping on Friday, March 30 and dual GS finals
Saturday, March 31. 726-4129.
Biannual Diabetic Foot screening clinic. March 29,
ALFS Physical Therapy. Free. 416 S. Main, Hailey. Details: 726-3001.
Scop’s Night Out, March 30, Bigwood Bread in
Northwood Way. Poets, etc. Sign up at Iconoclast Books, 726-1564.
1st Annual Horse Expo and Sale, March 31, Gooding Co.
Fairgrounds. Details: Carol Pugh 886-2004.
2001 USSA Alpine Masters National Championships, March
31-April 5 the combined events come to the Sun Valley resort. Super
giant slalom, GS and SL on the Warm Springs side of Baldy.
Sun Valley Skin Care Clinic, RX Change your Sin
Forever, seminar. April 6, 5-7 p.m. Hailey. Details: 788-8869
2001 Sun Valley Telemark Race Series, April 7 five-race
series sponsored by Verizon Wireless and Sun Valley Brewing. Today: The
Voile and Backwoods Mountain Sports Hawaiian Nationals and Tandem Telemark
Challenge on Baldy. Registration 9-10 a.m., racing at 10:30 a.m. Entry fee
$18. Awards party at Apple’s. Details: Jano 622-8244.
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