A Lab-arynth of Painted Pooches
Following in the footprints of cows, pigs … buffalo
"We wanted to join the community together on
something positive, instead of berm heights and road issues. We wanted a
sense of fun and joy."
Terry Tischer, animal activist
Express Staff Writer
The labs are on their way to town.
Large, painted fiberglass Labrador retrievers will be on
public display from June to October all over the Wood River Valley.
Painted by local artists, they will be sponsored by business and cultural
Mary Roberson with the first Sun Valley
Lab, "Labitat," that she painted with wildlife portraits. Express
photo by David N. Seelig
The idea germinated last year after news of Chicago’s
and New York’s "Cows," Cincinnati’s "Pigs," and
New Orleans’ "Fish" reached local animal activists Lyn
Stallard and Terry Tischer. They felt dogs, and in this case Labradors,
were a natural for the Sun Valley area.
"Labs are the most popular breed in the country and
especially around here," Tischer said.
Add to that the legend that Averill Harriman, founder of
the Sun Valley resort, was one of the people responsible for bringing
Labrador retrievers to the United States and breeding them at his Arden
Kennels for hunting in the early 1900s.
One of the cows from Chicago’s
"Cows on Parade." Courtesy photo
Among the many synergized events will be a "Running
of the Labs," in Ketchum, to kick off the five-month display. It
promises to be somewhat of a parody of the "Running of the
Sheep" event that occurs later in the fall, though much more
Whether the labs will arrive parading down Main Street on
flatbeds, carriages or on foot (paws?) has not yet been established, but
the two intrepid partners are full of ideas.
"We love ideas," Tischer said. "We have
tons of things in progress. Lyn brought this to me. I said, ‘We have to
do this.’
"We wanted to join the community together on
something positive, instead of berm heights and road issues. We wanted a
sense of fun and joy."
Lyn Stallard started the Animal Shelter here nearly 30
years ago and Tishcer joined the shelter’s board two years ago. They
recognized in each other a sister of ideas and action.
"Our two passions are animals. It was a natural event
for us to do," Tischer said.
Scavenger hunts and contests will be held periodically
during the summer.
Made in Los Angles, the Labs can be purchased for $3,000
each by a business or patron who then arranges to have it painted. The
commission for an artist to paint will be set at $1,000. Some artists are
planning on painting gratis or donating their fee back to the charities
such as the Rescue Ranch, The Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence
and the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley.
The labs will be auctioned off at a party in October. They’ll
make great "patio pieces," Stallard said.
As Stallard and Tischer pointed out, this has the
potential for bringing more visitors to the area. The patron and artist,
Stallard said, are "buying six months of exposure and
The Lab action will heat up soon. On March 24, artist Lisa
Holley will paint a Lab in the window of Sturtevants on Main Street in
It’s apparent that this is a rare merging of art and
commerce. In Chicago for instance, well known local artists designed the
cows and local businesses and cultural institutions sponsored them, What
was overwhelming and somewhat unexpected was that in the cities, where the
whimsical animals have been designed and displayed, there is a constant
dialogue that takes place around them.
People who normally wouldn’t be caught dead talking
about art have an opinion. Just the way total strangers strike up
conversations about their dogs. This quirky campaign has engendered
spontaneous public response in every city that has ventured into the
animals-on-parade idea.
The consensus in other towns and cities, including
Buffalo, N.Y., which had…yes, buffalo; Toronto which had moose; the
Angels in Los Angeles; and herds of horses in both Scottsdale, Ariz., and
Lexington, Ky., was that the fanciful animals seem to make visitors happy.
And as wacky as it sounds, it gives locals and visitors something to talk
The cows came ready for puns and silly names and the Labs
will be no exception. (One of the favorites was "Cow-hide," a
bovine whose head was covered in a paper bag).
Already artist Mary Roberson has painted "Labitat"---
a play on the habitat paintings for which she is known. "Labitat"
is going to Chicago to be displayed at the Lincoln Park Zoo in a display
called City Critters.
While working on "Labitat" she became so
attached that she took to speaking to it daily, dubbing it
"Boy." Roberson has already decided to paint another Lab for the
Sun Valley Labs event.
Other names and ideas that Stallard and Tischer have
devised, mostly on their brainstorming hikes, are "Dental Lab,"
"Ce-Lab-rity," "Dear Labbie," "Lab-racadabra"
and "Labotomy."
"Photo Lab" will be done by local photographer
Steve Snyder, and the Tanning Service will have a "Lab Day Soliel."
There are 10 labs spoken for so far, including one being done by San
Francisco artist Jean Cromwell, called "Spike" which will be
dressed rakishly in motorcycle leather.
Unlike the cows which had a plaque with name, sponsor and
artist on it, the Sun Valley Labs will have large permanent dog tags
hanging from their necks.
Anyone seeking information should contact Sun Valley Labs
at 726-6688. Stallard and Tischer will be more than happy to talk you into
sponsoring, painting or admiring their Labs. And if you happen to notice
two human-size Labs walking around, one yellow and one black, it will be
they, in their custom-made lab outfits. These ladies are hi-lab-rious.