Calendar for
December 13
thru 19, 2000
Wednesday, Dec. 20
School Christmas Vacation classes
adjourn for the Christmas school vacation after school today in the Blaine
County public school system and at The Community School in Sun Valley.
Public school classes resume Jan. 3 and private school classes on Jan. 8.
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center
noon meal, bacon veg. quiche with hash browns, green salad and lemon
bars. At the Senior Center, 721 Third Ave. S., Hailey, 788-3468.
Children’s Gingerbread Decorating
Party sponsored by the Sun Valley/Ketchum Chamber of Commerce from
3-5:30 p.m. in the Sun Valley Inn Limelight Room. Free. It begins at 2:30
p.m. with the showing of a free movie "How the Grinch Stole
Christmas," at Sun Valley Opera House. Details: 725-2108.
Valley of the Peace Lutheran Church
Advent Services at 7 p.m. in Hailey.
Signing at Iconoclast Books Tom Pritcher
presents his new exploratory video Awakening the Alchemist Within, at 7
p.m. at Iconoclast Books, 100 First Ave., Ketchum, 726-1564.
Formal Holiday Dance hosted by the
Wood River High School cheerleaders from 9 p.m. to 12 noon at the Hailey
school. Proceeds to the cheerleaders.
Local author Ridley Pearson will be
reading from his new novel, Middle of Nowhere, at Hailey Public Library.
6:30 p.m. Free.
Thursday, Dec. 21
Chanukah begins at sundown.
Tracy Bay Music students perform
Christmas carols at the Children’s Library in Ketchum at 4:30 p.m.
Everyone welcome. Call 726-3493 for details.
Holiday Recess Activities for Kids
supervised activities sponsored by the Blaine County Recreation District,
for kids in grades 1-6. Snowshoeing at Galena Lodge today. Space limited,
Teen Art Show by The Community School
art and photography students at the ERC 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., Ketchum.
Winter Solstice winter officially begins
today. This is the longest night of the year—the shortest day—but
actually the earliest sunset happened two weeks ago.
Christmas Open House at the
Community Children’s Library, Ketchum. 2 p.m. Details: 726-3493.
The Promise contemporary Christmas
musical performed at the Presbyterian Church of the Big Wood in
Ketchum. Performance at 7:30 p.m. Arrive early to secure seating. First of
three nights.
Ancient Celtic Solstice Celebration
at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden, Gimlet. Drum Circle and potluck.
6:30-7:30 p.m. All ages. Details: 788-6476.
Signing at Iconoclast Books Wendolyn
Holland signs her book Sun Valley: An Extraordinary History at
Iconoclast Books at 6 p.m., 100 First Ave., Ketchum. 726-1564.
Friday, Dec. 22
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center
noon meal: Christmas party with honey mustard ham and pecan pie. Bring
someone new. Transportation available. At the Senior Center, 721 Third
Ave. S., Hailey, 88-3468.
Holiday Recess Activities for Kids
supervised activities sponsored by the Blaine County Recreation District,
for kids in grades 1-6. Open gym today at Hailey Elementary School.
Signing at Iconoclast Books actress and
local resident Jamie Lee Curtis signs her new book, Where Do Balloons
Go?, from 4-6 p.m. at Iconoclast Books, 100 First Ave., Ketchum, 726-1564.
Signing at Ex Libris with Kirk Anderson,
Idaho Discovered. 4-6 p.m. Sun Valley.
The Promise contemporary Christmas
musical performed at the Presbyterian Church of the Big Wood in
Ketchum. Performance at 7:30 p.m. Arrive early to secure seating. Second
of three nights.
Ancient Celtic Solstice Celebration
at the Gateway in Hailey. 6:30-7:30 p.m. All ages. Details: 788-6476.
Saturday, Dec. 23
Hailey Holiday Giveaways continue today.
Drawing for $2,00 and prizes at 2 p.m. at Hailey Town Square.
Signing at Iconoclast Books local
photographer Kirk Anderson signs his new book Idaho Discovered from
2-4 p.m. at Iconoclast Books, 100 First Ave., Ketchum, 726-1564.
Idaho Discovered book signing with
photographer Kirk Anderson, from 4-6 p.m. at Silver Creek Outfitters,
Sunday, Dec. 24
Christmas Eve last-minute shopping today
and special church services.
Signing at Iconoclast Books Kendall
Nelson and Feli Funke-Riehle sign their new book, Gathering Remnants,
at Iconoclast Books, 100 First Ave., Ketchum, 726-1564. Call for time.
Monday, Dec. 25
Christmas Day is today.
Tuesday, Dec. 26
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center
is closed today for the holiday. Re-opening for lunch Friday, Dec. 29.
GED preparation classes at CSI
office in Hailey. 5-7 p.m. GED office hours Tue. 10 a.m.-12 noon, Thu. 1-3
p.m., third Thu.-testing, pre-registration necessary. Details: 788-2038.
Bellevue County Commissioners 7 p.m.
Thu., Dec. 28.
Bellevue P&Z 7 p.m. Thu.,
Dec. 21.
Breast Feeding Support Group weekly
at St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center in Sun Valley, Baldy Room #3. 12
noon. Details: 727-8410.
Youth Council at Hailey Elementary
School grades 3-5. From 3-4:15 p.m. in Room B Chapter One.
Backwoods Avalanche Beacon Clinics,
3 p.m. next to the new Smith Building in Northwood Way, Ketchum 726-8818.
Bipolar Support Group facilitated by
Diane Crist, M.A., meets at 220 River St. E. in Ketchum.
Hailey Skate Park meetings at the
park by the rodeo grounds in Hailey. 5 p.m. every Wednesday, 788-0031.
High Country Swingers, mini classes
$3 per person 8 - 8:30 p.m. Grange Hall in Hailey, Details: 788-5964.
Conversations with God study group,
meets from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. call 725-5575.
Young People’s Alcoholics Anonymous
Meeting 6:30-7:30 p.m.. WRMC Women’s Resource Center, Hailey. Free.
Men’s Bible Study from 7-8 a.m. at
Wilson Bates Appliances in Ketchum. Details: 788-2084.
Women’s support group for
relationship and addiction issues 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Details: 788-4191.
Anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive
Overeaters meet at 12 noon at the Sun Club, Ketchum. Details:
Adult Coed Indoor Soccer sponsored
by the Blaine County Recreation District, 6-8 p.m. (beginners) 8-10 p.m.
(more advanced players) Hailey Elementary School. Cost $2 per time.
Romancing the Bean coffee house for
high school students grades 9-12. Open 4 p.m.-12 a.m. Fridays. 719 S. 3rd
St., Hailey.
Wood River Youth Orchestra Wood
River Middle School, Hailey. Use back door. 3:45-5 p.m. Details: 726-4870.
Adult Open Basketball from 6-9 p.m.
at Hailey Elementary School, through March. Sponsored by the Blaine County
Recreation District.
Alanon Meeting 8:30 a.m. Anorexia,
Bulimia and Compulsive Overeaters 12 noon at the Sun Club, Ketchum.
Details: 726-3165.
Youth Council at Wood River High
School 3:30-5 p.m. in Mr. Payne’s room in science wing. Info: Lea
Flocchini at 788-2880 or Julie Caldwell at 725-2071.
Adult Open Volleyball 7-10 p.m. at
Wood River Middle School gym in Hailey, through March. Blaine County Rec
Buddhist Meditation Group meets at
6:30 p.m. at Sacred Cow.
Cottonwood Cooking classes will
start again Jan. 15 with Thai Cooking. Cottonwood, Ketchum. Details: Lynn
at 726-0606.
Speaker’s Forum at the ERC,
Ketchum, 12 noon. Every other Monday. Details: Ann Christensen at
Children’s Story Hours at the
Ketchum Community Library with Ann Christensen from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Weight watchers meets at 5:30 p.m.
at the Blaine County Senior Center in Hailey. New members welcome at 6
p.m. Details: 788-1380.
Children First Parent Advocacy Group
for children with special needs. Details: Reggie Swindle at 788-3034 or
Gwen Smith at 726-8016. Every second Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Women’s
Resource Center, Hailey.
Domestic Violence Women’s Group,
sponsored by Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence with Kathleen
Battersby. Call 788-4191 or 788-6070 for directions. Free. 6 p.m.
Advocates Children’s Group for
kids 0-12 who have witnessed domestic violence. 6 p.m. New location.
788-4191 or 788-6070 for directions.
National Alliance for Mentally Ill (NAMI)
support group for survivors, friends and family. Wood River Middle School
faculty lounge. 7 p.m. Tewa 788-0821 or 788-4335 for information.
Ketchum/Sun Valley Heritage Museum
is open with new and improved permenant exhibitions. 726-8118.
Broschovsky Gallery is featuring a
holiday show of 19th and 20th century art. Sixth St. and Leadville in
St. Thomas Episcopal Church current
service schedule: Sun., Eucharist 8 a.m., Choral Eucharist 9:30 a.m.; Tue.
Choir rehearsal 6 p.m., Wed. Rector’s Bible Study, noon. 726-5349.
Donations to benefit a February 2001
garage sale for the WRMS and WRHS library, music and theatre
departments. Donate now and take 2000 tax write-off. A drop-box is at the
entry way of the Wood River High School. Details: Deb 726-2525, or Renae
A Closer Look at the CSI’s Herret
Center gallery, through January.
Idaho VIP pass on sale. $69 pass to
all state parks including Craters of the Moon, Park ‘n’ Ski areas, BLM
and day-use areas. Details: 800-847-4843.
Sun Valley Center for the Arts: Alfred
Stieglitz and the Birth of American Modernism. Through Feb. 22.
Youth Indoor Soccer for 3rd-
7th-grades from 6 p.m. at Hailey Elementary School. No fee. Blaine County
Recreation District. Wednesdays and Mondays.
Children’s Story Hour at Ketchum’s
Community Library. 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays with Ann Christensen and
Saturdays with guest readers.
Foster Parent Training through
Health & Welfare. Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, 5:30-9:30 p.m. in Twin Falls.
Call 788-3584.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church Sunday
services 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. with Sunday School. Wed. Bible Study at 11
a.m. Healing Serice and Eucharist 12:15 p.m. Rev. Jennifer Anttonen.
788-3547. Hailey.
Free child wellness clinic at St.
Charles Church in Hailey. Includes vision, hearing and developmental
examinations for children up to five years old. Call 788-4335.
Story Hours at Hailey Public Library
at 11 a.m. Wednesdays and 3:30 p.m. Thursdays. For details, call 788-2036.
Wood River Bridge meets on Mondays
6:45 p.m. at Blaine County Senior Center, Hailey. On Wednesdays at 6:45
p.m. and Thursdays at 2:45 p.m. at The Harker Center, Elkhorn at Sun
Valley. Team game at the Harker Center on the first Sunday each month at
12:45 p.m. Visitors are welcome.
Self-Help Meetings for Alcoholics
Anonymous (24-hr. phone: 726-4650), Alanon, Cocaine, Co-dependents,
Cross Addiction, Narcotics, Overeaters and Sexaholics in Ketchum, Hailey
and Bellevue. Details: Sun Club, 726-7710. Daily.
Super-Supper Dining Room. Free
dinners for locals, a joint project by Wood River Valley religious
organizations. At St. Charles Church Parish Hall. To help out call Margie
Hill at 788-9363. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Thursdays & Mondays.
Blaine County Senior Center 721 3rd
Ave. S. Hailey, exercise classes, card and indoor walking clubs, weekly
blood pressure tests and noon meals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Chanukah Celebration, Dec. 27,
Church of the Bigwood, Potluck supper, bring desert or side dish. Guest
Rabbi from L.A. 6 p.m. $10 and $5. Details: 726-1183.
A Christmas Carol, Dec. 27 evening
performance presented by Company of Fools at 7 p.m. at Liberty Theatre,
Hailey. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 kids ages 4-12. Featuring Nick
Harman, Evan Sofro, Devin Kearns, Nate Theobold, R.L. Rowsey, Russell
Wilson, Denise Simone. Tobias Wilson and Chad Smith. Nightly through
Saturday, Dec. 30.
Animal Tracking Workshop, Dec. 28
sponsored by the ERC. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. with local naturalists Ann
Christensen and Cathy Baer. Details: 726-4333.
Shabbat Service, Dec. 29, 105
Bluebell Lane, Elkhorn, 7:30 p.m. 726-1183.
Art Gallery Walk, Dec. 29 monthly
event at Ketchum galleries.
Idaho Community Foundation, Jan. 4
Sun Valley Inn. Email: [email protected] or call 800-657-5357.
Senior League Hockey, Jan. 5 games
at Sun Valley Skating Center. At 6:50 p.m., Whitehead/Yoga vs. Lefty’s/Local
Boys. At 8 p.m., Emerson-Brooks/Grumpy’s vs. Viva Taq/Sentinel/Deja Vu.
Senior League Hockey, Jan. 6 games
at Sun Valley Skating Center. At 6:15 p.m., Warm Springs/Apple’s vs.
Viva Taq/Sentinel/Deja Vu. At 7:30 p.m., Whitehead Landscaping/Yoga vs.
Women’s Entreprennurial Group (WIG)
meeting, Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. Details: Wendy 622-8864.
Los Angeles Laker Yoga teacher, Jan.
19-21 at the Gateway in Hailey, call Anita 788-9195.
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