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employment.gif (1144 bytes)FOR THE WEEK OF:
August 30-September 5, 2000

—Idaho's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Serving The Sun Valley, Idaho Resort Area Communities—

Local Airport Weather
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Formula Sports


Idaho Conservation League

Save our Salmon

Gallery Oscar



Gary Carr...The Carr Man!

Local Links
Sun Valley Guide
Hemingway in Sun Valley
Real Estate


Art Links
Gallery Oscar
Stoecklein Gallery



Sherry Daech Real Estate

Ukrainian Hotshots

Biathletes work out in Sun Valley

Ukrainian biathlete and 1998 Olympic silver medalist Olena Petrova practices from a standing position while teammates (back to front) Nina Lemesh, Oksana Yakovleva and Tetyana Rud shoot from prone positions at the Sun Valley Gun Club. The Ukrainian team is here in advance of the 2002 Winter Games in Utah. Express photo by Willy Cook

Wagon Days


  • Building height revisited
    Ketchum commission looks into revisiting height restrictions

  • Romancing the Bean
    No, Romancing the Bean is not a hybrid movie of "Romancing the Stone" and "Jack and the Beanstalk," but a coffeehouse promoting something called "asset building."



  • Crown jewel of the West
    Once growth mania overtakes a town, a community's heritage too oftern gets lost in the rush to ditch the old and embrace the new. Not so for Ketchum.

  • Retreat to the Dark Ages?
    Had the more outlandish oracles of the "God's plan" school of thought had their way, physicians today would still be treating patients with nothing more sophisticated than leeches sucking blood and saunas sweating out disease


  • Rudy of 'Survivor' fame gives older people a bad name
    By now even the most die-hard fans of "Survivor," the summer TV sensation, are probably tired of hearing sociologists, psychiatrists, commentators and even comics pontificate on the meaning of the series. Commentary by JoEllen Collins


The Idaho Mountain Express is distributed free to residents and guests throughout the Sun Valley resort areas. Subscribers to the Idaho Mountain Express will read these and other stories  in this weeks' issue:

  • Hailey P&Z sends Northridge on to city council

  • A Civil Action attorney discusses mediation

  • Man smashes into motor home with backhoe

  • Ten slamon redds located

  • Resort Report

  • An American police ambassador goes to Poland


Please send your comments and subscription requests to [email protected].

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