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employment.gif (1144 bytes)FOR THE WEEK OF:
August 23-29, 2000

—Idaho's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Serving The Sun Valley, Idaho Resort Area Communities—

Local Airport Weather
Click for Sun Valley, Idaho Forecast


Formula Sports


Idaho Conservation League

Save our Salmon

Gallery Oscar



Gary Carr...The Carr Man!

Local Links
Sun Valley Guide
Hemingway in Sun Valley
Real Estate


Art Links
Gallery Oscar
Stoecklein Gallery



Sherry Daech Real Estate

Arson suspected in
Timmerman fire

Air and ground crews worked for over seven hours Tuesday afternoon and evening to douse flames on a 300-acre fire near Timmerman Junction. The Bureau of Land Management suspects the fire was the work of an arsonist. Express photo by David N. Seelig



  • Arson suspected in Timmerman fire
    A brush fire that consumed 300 acres of grass and sagebrush near Timmerman junction Tuesday afternoon and evening is believed to have been the work of an arsonist.

Arts and Entertainment


  • Signs abuse valley aesthetics
    One can almost visualize last week's Blaine County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as an episode out of Lewis Carroll's fantasyland children's classic, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" — a nonsensical world of silliness gone crazy.

  • Needed: Health attack
    More than their political ambitions bind together defeated Republican presidential hopeful John McCain, GOP vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney and Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan.



Local Life


The Idaho Mountain Express is distributed free to residents and guests throughout the Sun Valley resort areas. Subscribers to the Idaho Mountain Express will read these and other stories  in this weeks' issue:

  • A Baldy blaze?

  • Fire season road closures

  • Educators prepare students for life in the 21st century

  • Resort report

  • Simpson calls a casual meeting for serious issues

  • Woman cited for Heritage museum theft

  • Man survives rollover on highway

  • St. Luke's to begin highway work

  • City hall deals with land dispute

  • Greenhorn bridge construction to begin this fall


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