For the week of Apr. 12 through Apr. 18, 2000
Public Notice Summary
Published on Wednesday, April 12, 2000
See the full text of all public notices in the Idaho Mountain
Express, the paid newspaper, available from vending machines or by subscription. Call
- Notice of Petition
by Leigh Frances Urban for name change to be heard April 28, 2000, at 10:00 a.m., in
Blaine Co. District Court.
Notice of Trustee's Sale July 26, 2000, at 10:00 a.m. in
the office of Sawtooth Title Co., Ketchum, of Sublot B of Chateau Latour Townhouse (B 380
Sabala St., Ketchum.
Notice of special school plant facilities reserve fund
levy election by School District #61, Blaine Co., May 2, 2000, between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00
Aviso de Eleccion especial de la recaudacion del fondo de
reserva de instalaciones para la escuela-Distrito Escolar #61, Condado de Blaine, 2 de
Mayo, 2000, entre las horas de 8:00 am. y 8:00 p.m.
Legal Notice by Blaine County Hearing Examiner of a
special meeeting May 3, 2000, at 6:30 p.m., in the old County Courthouse in Hailey upon a
conditional use permit application by Steve and Judy Housel, and consideration upon a
variance application by Georgia Pulos for property at 133 Treasure Lane in the Holiday
Highway Subdivision.
Public Notice of the availabilty of the annual tax return
of the Christensen Family Foundation.
Notice by Blaine County Board of Commissioners of a
regular meeting May 1, 2000, at 9:00 a.m., in the old County Courthouse; at 1:30 p.m. a
public hearing upon a petition by Ray Castle for the vacation of a portion of a public
right of way in Gannett townsite.
Publication of Ordinance #841 creating a modified local
improvement District Number 7A for the City of Ketchum. (Map included.)