Calendar for Sept. 15,
Sept. 21, 1999
Wednesday, Sept. 15
Wood River High School Homecoming sports
events and activities through the weekend at the Hailey high school. Todays dress-up
theme is "Cross Dress Day," capped by the annual outdoor powder puff football
game with the guys as cheerleaders this afternoon.
Used Textbook Sale at The Community School in Sun Valley from
7:30-8:15 a.m. and 2:30-3:30 p.m. Books will be sold at half price, with a portion of
proceeds go the Parents Association.
Tracey Bay Music Studio semester begins, 331 Lewis St. across
from Houston Lumber in Ketchum. Details: 726-3443.
Idaho State Cutting Futurity at the Cutters Barn on Hiawatha Dr.
in Hailey. Runs through Saturday from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Details: 788-3932.
Magic Lanterns 11th Annual Fall Film Festival continues
its two-week run. Call 726-4274 for details.
Bingo each Wednesday from 11 a.m. to noon, and then again at
12:30 p.m. at Blaine County Senior Citizens Center, Hailey. Cards are 50 cents, with half
the proceeds to the winner and half to the center.
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center noon meal, meatballs with
barbecue sauce, rice, mixed veggies, fruit jello and lemons bars. At the Senior Center,
721 Third Ave. S., Hailey, 788-3468.
WRHS Boys Soccer home varsity league game against Burley at 5
p.m. at South Valley Sports Complex, Hailey.
Chamber Artist Series tickets on sale today for five
winter and spring concerts presented by the Sun Valley Center for the Arts. For details,
call 726-9491.
Free Introduction to Council Circle guidelines to mindful
listening and conscious speaking, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Environmental Resource Center,
411 E. 6th St., Ketchum.
Community School Boys Soccer home junior varsity game against
Burley at 5:30 p.m. at Atkinson Park, Ketchum.
WRHS, Community School Cross Country the Blaine County thinclads
compete at the Kimberly Invitational at 4:30 p.m. at South Hills Golf Course south of
Riverdance, The Show performances nightly today through Sunday,
Sept. 19 at the Morrison Center for the Performing Arts in Boise. Details: (888)-255-2200.
Thursday, Sept. 16
Wood River High School Homecoming sports
events and activities through the weekend at the Hailey high school. Todays dress-up
theme is western. Lunchtime barbecue and music outdoors.
Aromatherapy workshop with Dr. Maria Maricich at the Avalon
Holistic Health Center 180 W. First St. #305 in Ketchum. From 9:30 to 11 a.m. $10. For
details, call 726-4375.
WRHS Girls Soccer home varsity game against Minico of Rupert at
5:30 p.m. at South Valley Sports Complex soccer field just south of the high school in
Hailey. The JV teams from the two schools play at the same time at WR Middle School.
Community School Boys Soccer home varsity league game against
ISDB at 5 p.m. at Atkinson Park, Ketchum.
Middle Fork Lodge Classic Fly Fishing Challenge from 6-9 p.m. at
Headwaters, 151 S. Main, Ketchum. No-host wine, beer and complimentary hors doeuvres
from 6 p.m. with Friends of the Middle Fork, Idaho Rivers United and The Nature
Conservancy of Idaho. Slide presentation at 7:30 p.m. on environmental impact on western
rivers. Door prizes. For more details on the benefit call John 726-5775.
Bike Tuning Seminar from 7-9 p.m. at Ski Tek in Ketchum. Also
Tuesday nights. Call John at 726-7503.
Hailey Business After Hours Hailey Chamber of Commerce social
gathering from 5-7 p.m. at Sun Valley Aviation.
Carey School Volleyball home matches against Dietrich and
Rockland at 5 p.m. at Carey School gym.
Talk and slide show on photographer Edward Curtis by curator Rod
Slemmons at the Sun Valley Center for the Arts at 7 p.m. Free. For details, call 726-9491.
Pilgrimage to Tibets Mt. Kailash slide show
and talk offered by Sherpa Ang Norbu. At the Clarion Inn conference room at 7:30 p.m. For
details, call 726-4333.
Friday, Sept. 17
Chamber Board Meeting Sun Valley-Ketchum
Chamber of Commerce meeting at 8 a.m., Ketchum Town Square.
Stanley 23rd Annual Sawtooth Mountain Mamas Quilt
Festival runs today through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the Stanley Community
Center. Workshops will be offered. For details, call 208-774-3660.
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center noon meal, roast turkey
with dressing, gravy, green salad, cranberries, peaches and birthday cake. Transportation
available. At the Senior Center, 721 Third Ave. S., Hailey, 788-3468.
Blaine County/Bigwood Closed Golf Tournament Entry Deadline is
today at noon for the two-day, 36-hole individual stroke tournament Sept. 18-19 at Bigwood
Golf Course (726-4024) north of Ketchum. Entry fee $70 includes carts, greens fees for 36
holes, dinner Saturday and lunch Sunday. Prizes, also.
Wood River Jaycees State Meeting the local Jaycees will sponsor
the state meeting in Hailey today and Saturday, Sept. 18. Details, Konni Chapman 578-0479.
Tango workshop for beginners with Vito Serja at the Sacred Cow
Yoga Studio at 6 p.m. For details, call 788-5448.
Wood River High School Homecoming sports events and activities
through the weekend at the Hailey high school. Pep rally and early dismissal schedule at
1:55 p.m. The Homecoming parade starts 3 p.m. at the north end of Hailey.
Touchdown Club Tailgate Party before the football game, from
4:30-6:30 p.m. in the high school parking lot, Hailey. Food and drinks for $4.50 per
plate, raising money for the football program.
WRHS Homecoming Football home non-conference game against the
New Plymouth Pilgrims at 7 p.m. at Homer Field in Hailey. Royalty winners will be
announced at halftime.
Carey School Football Sawtooth Conference eight-man game at
Hansen, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 18
Fox Creek Fun Run presented by The
Elephants Perch of Ketchum, a 12-kilometer run around the Fox Creek trail system
north of Ketchum. Starts promptly at 10 a.m. from the Lake Creek trailhead. Entry $20 per
person, by the deadline of Friday, Sept. 17 at 6 p.m. Awards and refreshments.
Youth Soccer, Flag Football Games sponsored by the Blaine County
Recreation District continue today at fields in Hailey.
Blaine County/Bigwood Closed Golf Tournament the two-day,
36-hole individual stroke tournament begins at Bigwood Golf Course (726-4024) north of
Ketchum. Dinner tonight.
Wood River Varsity Volleyball Tournament starts 8:30 a.m. at the
high school gym in Hailey. Competing are WR, Boise, Capital, Centennial, Borah and
Timberline of Boise; Eagle, Middleton, Gooding and 1997-98 State A-2 champion Bear Lake of
Community School Boys Soccer home games against Minico of Rupert
at 1 p.m. at Atkinson Park in Ketchum. Varsity on the upper field, JV on the lower field.
Women and Finances All-Day Workshop presented by the College of
Southern Idaho from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Kentwood Lodge, Ketchum. 788-2033.
WRHS Junior Varsity Football game at New Plymouth, 1 p.m.
Paul Heuston Benefit Golf Tournament with proceeds going to the
Gooding County Memorial Hospital radiology department, starts with 8:30 a.m. breakfast at
Gooding Golf Course. Shotgun start 9:30 a.m. Four-person scramble, entry fee $35. Call
Troy Vitek at 208-934-9977.
"Best of the Valley" fourth annual fund-raising
culinary event for the Blaine County Youth Task Force in conjunction with Blaine County
Recreation District. From 3-8 p.m. at Elkhorn Resort Plaza. Fee $5 adults, $3 kids.
Corporate tables available. Call 788-2117.
Wood River BMX weekly racing at the track west of Hailey.
Registration 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Sun Valley Ice Show presents headliners Anita Hartshorn and
Frank Sweiding, professional world champions, at dusk at Sun Valley Skating Center.
Stanley Firemans and EMT Ball at Redfish Lake Lodge at 8
p.m. Music by Fat John and the Three Slims. $15 for couples.
Sunday, Sept. 19
Blaine County/Bigwood Closed Golf Tournament
the two-day, 36-hole individual stroke tournament wraps up at Bigwood Golf Course
(726-4024) north of Ketchum. Lunch on the course today.
Elkhorn Golf Course Club Championships finish today at Elkhorn
Golf Course.
Sun Valley Pro Musica Foundation presents an autumn concert
featuring the Seattle Opera Young Artists. At 6 p.m. at Sun Valley Opera House. All seats
reserved, $20 each, tickets available at Chapter One Bookstore, Ketchum.
Wood River Gun Club south of Bellevue is now open Sundays 11
a.m.-4 p.m. Singles, handicap and doubles.
Yom Kippur services at the Church of the Big Wood in Ketchum at
7:30 p.m. For details, call 726-1183.
Monday, Sept. 20
Carey School Volleyball non-conference
matches at Murtaugh, 6 p.m.
Free Mountain Bike Group Ride and technical training, meet 6
p.m. Mondays at Ski Tek in Ketchum.
Workplace violence prevention seminar hosted by the Ketchum
Police Department. At the Community Library of Ketchum at 6 p.m. Free.
Weight loss and fitness program offered by the Blaine County
Fitness Center. Morning and evening sessions available. To register, call 788-2124.
Tuesday, Sept. 21
CSI Fall Semester Classes continue in the
Wood River Valley. Call 788-2033 or 788-2038 for the College of Southern Idaho, Blaine
County Campus, program.
Blaine County Senior Citizens Center noon meal, tacos with meat,
Spanish rice, mixed veggies, pears and cheesecake bars. Special Office on Aging
presentation today. At the Senior Center, 721 Third Ave. S., Hailey, 788-3468.
Community School, WR Girls JV Soccer the Blaine County JV soccer
teams meet at 4:30 p.m. at South Valley Sports Complex, Hailey.
Community School Boys Soccer home varsity league game against
Twin Falls Christian Academy at 4:30 p.m. at Atkinson Park, Ketchum.
WRHS Girls Soccer varsity league game at Twin Falls, 5 p.m.
Carey School Volleyball home Northside Conference matches
against Bliss at 6 p.m. at Carey School gym.
Community School Volleyball home Northside Conference matches
against Dietrich at 6 p.m. at the Fish Tank on the campus of the Sun Valley independent
Hospice volunteer training classes begin today. For deatils on
the 20-hour course, call 726-8464.
Basic CPR at the Wood River Medical Center Moritz Solarium in
Sun Valley. The American Heart Association course begins at 6 p.m. Details: 788-5733.
BCFC Running Club meets at Blaine County Fitness Center, 21 E.
Maple in Hailey, at 6 p.m. All levels welcome. Free. Details: 788-2124. Mondays and
Touch Down Club for all parents. Meets by the Wood River High
School main office at 7 p.m. Tuesdays.
Monday Night Fly Casting Clinics offered by Silver Creek Outfitters
each Monday from 6-7 p.m., through Sept. 20, at the Bigwood Golf Course pond north
of Ketchum. Free to the public. Park in the golf course parking lot. Details: 726-5282.
Self-Help Meetings for Alcoholics Anonymous (24-hr. phone:
726-4650), Alanon, Cocaine Anonymous, Co-dependents Anonymous, Cross Addiction, Narcotics
Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous and Sexaholics Anonymous in Ketchum, Hailey and Bellevue.
Call the Sun Club, Ketchum, for days and times: 726-7710. Daily.
Old City Hall Museum on Bellevues Main Street is now open for
the season. Noon-4 p.m. Details: 788-4311. Daily.
Allotment Gardens If you enjoy fresh veggies and flowers, but
dont have a place to garden, the Sawtooth Community Garden Project has 26 raised
beds for rent at a nominal fee for the season. Details: 726-9358. Summer.
Family History Library Genealogical research facilities, including
an 80-disk CD-ROM collection of family genealogical data, located at 711 S. River Street
in Hailey are open to the public. Details: 788-9810. Daily.
After School Youth Council Circles Support groups to make new
friends, explore ideas and feelings and learn essential communication and listening skills
for high school teens. Details: Lea Flocchini at 788-2880, Cameron Cooper at 726-6016 or
Julie Caldwell at 725-2071.
Hailey Library Story Hour for pre-school children at 3:30 p.m.
with "Grandma" Dorothy Babin followed by a Reading Rainbow video and small
craft. Thursdays Details: 788-2036.
Mens Bible Study from 7-8 a.m. at Wilson Bates Appliances
in Ketchum. Details: 788-2084. Thursdays.
Haileys Farmers Market from 4-7 p.m. at Main Street and
Croy through October 14. Contact: Mark Cook at 788-3917. Thursdays.
Super Supper Dining Room Free dinners for locals, a joint project
by Wood River Valley religious organizations. At St. Charles Church Parish Hall. To help
out, call Margie Hill at 788-9363. 5:30-6:30 p.m., Thursdays & Mondays.
Hiking Buddies with Animal Shelter of Wood River Valley at
Adams Gulch trailhead from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursdays.
Animal Shelter Dogs & Puppies will attend Ketchum Alive Events
from 6-9 p.m. Fridays.
Domestic Violence Womens Group A support group sponsored by
Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence and led by Kathleen Battersby. At the
Hailey-Croy Street Exchange Building, Suite M, Hailey. Call 788-4191 or 788-6070 for more
info. Free. 7 p.m., Tuesdays
Advocates Childrens Group for kids 0-12 who have witnessed
domestic violence in their homes. 7 p.m. at Head Start in Hailey. Tuesdays
Children First parent advocacy group for children with special
needs. Details: Reggie Swindle at 788-3034 or Gwen Smith at 726-8016. Every second Tuesday.
Youth Discovery Days at the ERC in Ketchum. Two classes offered:
"A World in our Hands" & "Get the Connections". Fee. Details:
726-4333. Wednesdays in August.
Hiking Group with Christian womens group leaves from the
Church of the Big Wood at 10 a.m. Tuesdays. Also at 10:30 a.m. following the Church
of the Big Wood worship service on Sundays.
Blaine County Senior Center 721 Third Ave. S., Hailey, hosts
exercise classes, card and indoor walking clubs, weekly blood pressure tests and noon
meals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Details: 788-3468.
Bring It To The Barn The Community School is now collecting
donations for annual garage sale at Sagewillow Campus Barn in Elkhorn from 9 a.m.-noon.
Details: 622-3561. Wednesdays & Saturdays.
Ketchum City Council meets at noon at Ketchum City Hall to consider
the future of the Wagon Days shoot-out. Today
Blaine County Soil Conservation District meets at 7 p.m. at 119 N.
River St. to discuss snow surveys. Today
Sun Valley City Council meets at 4 p.m. at Sun Valley City Hall to
discuss the Highway 75 Corridor Study with the Idaho Transportation Dept. Thursday
Blaine County Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. at the Old County
Courthouse in Hailey to hear a continued application on the Baseline Ranch subdivision. Monday
Ketchum City Council meets at 6 p.m. at Ketchum City Hall to
discuss methods to keep cars off the sidewalk in front of Trails West Galley in winter. Monday
Hailey Planning and Zoning meets at 7 p.m. at the Hailey Town
Center to hear an application on the Round-up Corral subdivision. Tuesday
Open House for Hunter Education Instructors, Sept. 22 from 6-9 p.m.
at Blaine County Gun Club on Ohio Gulch Rd. Idaho Department of Fish and Game personnel
will discuss the program and its objectives. Instructors are desperately needed to keep
hunting interest alive. Call 208-324-4359 weekdays for details.
WRHS Parents Association Meeting, Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. at
the high school in Hailey.
Idaho Open Golf Tournament, Sept. 22-24 sponsored by
Hewlett-Packard Co. at Elkhorn Resort Golf Course. Field limited to the first 120 players,
including 110 pros, for the 50th anniversary event.
Perennials workshop, Sept. 23 offered by John Hendricks and the
Idaho Botanical Garden from 7 to 8:30 p.m. $8 for members, $13 for non-members. Details:
Sun Valley Junior Hockey New Player Registration, Sept. 25 and
equipment swap, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Sturtevants parking lot, Ketchum. 726-5876.
7th Annual Thousand Springs Festival, Sept. 25-26 at
the Nature Conservancy in Hagerman Valley from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. both days. Juried art show.
Details: 536-6797.
Sun Valley Summer Symphony presents the opera Don Giovanni, Sept. 26
Mozarts opera sung in Italian with English supertitles, at 7 p.m. in Wood River
High School auditorium, Hailey. Doors open 6:15 p.m. No admission charge. Sponsored by
Elizabeth and Thomas Tierney and supported by Peggy and Reid Dennis and the Sun Valley
Opera Foundation. Call 725-0481, ext. 12.
Play reading, Sept. 26 of Pultizer prize winning play by the
Royal Larkspur Play Troupe. At private Saddle Road residence at 6:30 p.m. Details:
Wood River Medical Center Blaine County Fitness Center open house,
Sept. 27 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For details, call 788-2124.
Idaho Division of Veteran Services will answer questions about
veterans benefits and other veterans issues at 121 N. River St. in Hailey from 10:30 a.m.
to 2:30 p.m. For details, call 788-5566.
Community School Garage Sale, Oct. 2-3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
each day at the Sagewillow campus, Elkhorn at Sun Valley. Volunteer and faculty pre-sale
Friday, Oct. 1. A fund-raising event presented by the schools Parents
Sun Valley Jazz Jamboree, Oct. 13-17 Ragtime, jazz and swing in
the Wood River Valley. Details: 726-3423.
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