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Friday, June 18, 2004


Green all over

Valley Club stages President’s Cup

Some lucky (and skilled) golfers pocketed plenty of dead presidents at the 2004 President’s Cup Golf Tournament at The Valley Club on June 11-12.

Carmen Bradley was this year’s champion with a gross score of 148. Bradley pocketed $185 for his victory. Kevin Cincotta ($100) was second with a 155 and Dave Cropper ($60) third at 161.

Dick Nelson’s 144 earned him the first net victory and $185.

Happy Hawn ($150) won the Championship Flight in the women’s division with a 173 gross score. Joan O’Neil ($150) was first in net with a 149.

First Flight champs were Roz Cline with a 190 gross score and Barb Shelton with a 152 net. Both pocketed $150 for their effort.

Rich Fabiano ($185) was the low man in gross with a 168 in the men’s First Flight. Low man in net was Bruce Kaplan ($185) with a 150. Kaplan edged John Baker ($100) by one stroke and beat John Martinson by ($60) four.

Wins in the men’s Second Flight went to Chris Stephens with a 161 gross score, Dave Berman fired a 132 net score. Both won $185. Second in net was Doug Taylor ($100) with a 137. Jerry Mells ($60) was third with a 141.



A pair of golfers recorded aces at The Valley Club on the same day.

On Wednesday, Jack Sholtis had a hole-in-one on the 178-yard second hole. Sholtis knocked in his ace with an 8-iron. The shot was witnessed by Ken Ward, Rico Albright and George Kirk.

Dave Berman aced the 158-yard 16th hole with a 5-iron. Witnesses were Dave Almond, Dave Theobald and Bob Crosby.


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