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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Opinion Column

The Holdings’ gift

Guest opinion by Jon Thorson, Mayor of Sun Valley

These are uncertain times. With escalating land values, anxiety exists in many of our hearts that we will see our precious lifestyle, our beautiful vistas and our friendly neighborhoods consumed by predatory real estate consortiums. Waiting for the other shoe to fall has become a local pastime.

Wait no more and rejoice: the other shoe fell last Tuesday evening, April 6, and it is a velvet slipper. On that day, Earl and Carol Holding presented to the citizens of Sun Valley and to all who live in the Wood River Valley, their vision of the next 60 years in the context of the Sun Valley Company Master Plan. It is an extraordinarily magnificent gift.

In almost every case, the plan reduces the maximum potential unit development by a third to one-half. The design proportions sensitively consider human scale and the impacts of tourism on daily life are respectfully minimized. It’s a plan we can live with.

How can we accept such a gift? Hopefully, we will squash the tendency to criticize its every detail, squeezing the life out of the spirit of the gift. Hopefully, we won’t give in to the human trait that keeps us from graciously receiving the gift. Not long ago we were presented with another gift—35 acres of pristine space within our city limits—we bickered and argued and the benefactor quietly withdrew the offer. We dare not do that again. Let’s just say, "Yes and thanks." Or better yet: "YES! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!"

What are we to do with such a gracious act of stewardship? After expressing our gratitude to the Holdings, we can get to the task of diligently incorporating the elements of the Sun Valley Company’s Master Plan into the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Then we should develop zoning and building ordinances to secure that vision for generations to come.

Today, April 14, marks the launch of the update process of the Comprehensive Plan; we should make it a living document that contains the Holding gift to us. We can do it; and, for ourselves and for our future, I urge us to do it.


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