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For the week of November 12 - 18, 2003


Cutthroats salute
fall athletes

At awards fete in Sun Valley

Community School student athletes and parents gathered in the Limelight Room of Sun Valley Inn last Tuesday for the annual Fall Sports awards presentation and celebration.

It was quite a night of praise for all the players, particularly for the Cutthroat boys’ varsity soccer squad that placed second in the State 3A tournament and the girls’ varsity that claimed third place at state.

Coach Richard Whitelaw saluted the members of the boys’ soccer team.

Award winners were:

Most Valuable Player—John Hayes. State tournament MVP—John Hayes. Leading goal scorer—Hayes (23 season, 41 career).

Most Inspirational—Taylor Rothgeb. Most Improved—Luke Fostvedt. 2003 Captain—Taylor Rothgeb. Factor Awards—Luc McCann and Ash Higgins. Goal of the Year—Bobby Flanigan.

For the junior varsity coached by Phil Huss, the award winners were:

Most Valuable Player—Wes Flanigan. Most Improved—Ross Campbell. Coaches Award—Mikey Matteson.

Coaches Kelly Feldman and Nicky Elsbree announced the recipients of the girls’ soccer awards. They were:

Most Valuable Player—Morgan Arritola. Most Improved—Alex Dallago. Most Inspirational—Jenny Rutherford. Team captains—Morgan Arritola and Jenny Rutherford.

Also, the Coaches Awards went to Kira Tenney and Gussi Ochi.

Coach Reamy Goodwin revealed the winners of the volleyball awards:

Most Valuable Player—Ashley Alfs. Most Inspirational—Simone Weisz. Most Improved—Louisa Waycott. Coaches Award—Charlie Baser.



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