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For the week of Oct. 27, 1999 through Nov. 2, 1999

Express Endorsements

Here are our picks in the valley’s only two contested races this year.


For Ketchum City Council: Randy Hall and Sue Noel: Incumbents Hall and Noel have earned their stripes, and we see no reason for a change in leadership. Hall is running for his second term and Noel for her third. They are being challenged for a seat by newcomer Maurice Charlat.

Hall came to the council after putting in time on the Planning and Zoning Commission. He brought quiet leadership on housing and economic development. He has a grip on the nitty-gritty details it takes to govern a city.

As a restaurant owner, Hall is intimately familiar with the ebb and flow of the resort economy—a big plus. He supported the city’s move to become involved in the Highway 75 study and to look at effects of a five-lane highway on the valley.

Noel has been an unflagging and vigorous council member She has championed city involvement in generating community housing; and she advocates annexation of McHanville to prevent development from hurting the city. She has supported city beautification and wants to see power lines placed underground.

Sun Valley

For City Council, Latham Williams: Of three candidates, including long-time gadfly Milt Adam and new resident Nicholas Parker, Williams is most keyed into issues facing Sun Valley—growth, traffic, need to protect open space and develop parks, resort marketing and lack of housing for key city workers. He is living, working and raising a family in Sun Valley. He has been active in many local organizations. He would make a fine addition to the council.


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