For the week of June 3 thru June 9, 1998  


P&Z examines Sockeye Square Building

Express Staff Writer

The Ketchum Planning and Zoning Commission motioned to continue a resubmitted design review application for the Sockeye Square Building at its meeting last Wednesday.

Sockeye Square went through design review in October of 1995, but the completed building fails to reflect details approved during the process.

The building is missing a number of design details including double trusses, 12 trees in front of the building, a striped crosswalk, an awning over the central entrance, and planters. Sockeye also has floodlights that do not comply with the city’s zoning ordinance, and the curb cut, off Andora Lane, was increased by five feet.

The applicant agreed to add 16 exterior wall-mounted downcast lights, plant two spruce trees, screen the dumpsters, install a canvas awning, and pave the crosswalk. Architect Curtis Kemp told the P&Z he doesn’t want to paint the building a dark green, and favors the "monotone" look of the wood.

Attorney Robert Fallowfield said the variance from the design review approval was due to confusion and lack of communication between his client and former P&Z administrator Sam Flora. He said requests for changes were granted informally, which led to design changes.

Neighbor Julie Dillon brought the building to the P&Z’s attention, and spoke at the public hearing. She said she was happy with the design review approval, but a-gasp when the building was finished.

The P&Z will hear the application on June 8.


The P&Z approved a design review application for Davies Reid Tribal Arts building, a three-story mixed-use building at 131 First Avenue North. The building will be used for retail and residential with one apartment on the second floor.

The existing residence and fourplex will be moved to an unspecified location.


Ketchum resident Mace Brown came before the P&Z during public comment to asked for advice.

Brown owns a duplex north of Mountain View Grocery on State Highway 75. Brown told the P&Z he is unable to live in, sell or rent his home because of the location of his home.

Brown asked the P&Z what he can do with his property, and suggested a rezone of the property to commercial.

"Donate it to charity," said P&Z member Peter Ripsom.

Without an application before it, the P&Z did not have the legal authority to comment or give advice to Brown.


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